Forum 2015: Round table discussion “Solution”

Forum 2015: Round table discussion “Solution”

Forum 2015


February 27, 2013


Forum 2015 is organising round table titled “Solution” to take place on Friday, March 1, 2013, starting at 10:00, at the Dyar Hall of the Swiss Diamond Hotel, Prishtina 

Kosovo has already embarked on a new dialogue with Serbia, facilitated by the European Union, and one of the most critical topics that has already being discussed is the Serbs of Kosovo and their eventual integration into Kosovo’s state-wide institutions. Although Ahtisaari Plan offers a very advanced solution to the Serbs of this area, their final solution has very often been sought in few European models of accommodating the non-majority groups, without thorough analysis of their offers.

Hence, Forum 2015 believed that it was very necessary to deconstruct those models and take a closer look into their offers in comparison to the Ahtisaari Plan. The analysis, titled “Solution” compares the Ahtisaari Plan on one hand and few other models on the other that provide for a higher or lower degree of care towards ethnic  and/or cultural minorities. The latter includes the most discussed models, such as: (1) the Ohrid Agreement in Macedonia, (2) autonomy of Vojvodina, (3) South Tirol, and (4) Catalonia and deconstructs the provisions in language, media, education, health, finances, police, religion, judiciary, and political institutions, as constituent categories of a autonomy.

The study “Clearing up the Fog of Conflict”, produced by the Kosovo Institute of Peace, which addresses the problem of the north of Kosovo, the political developments after 1999, and expansion of power/s in this part of Kosovo will also be presented bringing broad and critical information to the discussion

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