Kosovo's path toward EU and UN membership



July 23, 2020


Kosovo's path toward EU and UN membership

The third  policy note from the series, published as part of the dialogue and advocacy project “Strengthening the Kosovo Perspective – Negotiations on a Final Comprehensive Agreement between Kosovo and Serbia,” jointly organized by the Democratization Policy Council (DPC, Berlin), the Kosovo Foundation for Open Society (KFOS, Prishtina) and the Group for Legal and Political Studies (GLPS, Prishtina), and supported by KFOS.
To read this in French:

03_Rruga e Kosovës drejt anëtarësimit në BE dhe OKB - FR.pdf

To read this in German:

03 Rruga e Kosoves drejt anetaresimin ne BE dhe OKB_GER.pdf

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