I have previously been a recipient of a Kosovo Research and Analysis Fellowship (KRAF). Am I eligible to apply?
Yes. For the 2022/23 cohort we welcome proposals for policy paper projects from our alumni.
Can two or more people apply for a Kosovo Research and Analysis Fellowship (KRAF)?
No, KRAF is designed as an individual fellowship that provides financial support and mentorship to independent researchers.
What are the eligibility criteria for applying to Kosovo Research and Analysis Fellowship (KRAF)?
To be eligible for KRAF, the applicant: must have at least a Masters degree in social sciences or similar; have some research experience in either academic or non-academic publications; be fluent in English; be familiar with Balkan affairs; and have some social media skills.
In exceptional cases applicants with extensive research experience who have not yet completed their postgraduate degree will also be considered for the fellowship.
When does the fellowship begin?
The next cohort of KRAF is planned to begin its work on November 23, 2022 with the kick-off workshop in Prishtina, Kosovo. Research, writing, and dissemination should be completed by May 2023.
Is attending the kick-off workshop mandatory?
Yes. The kick-off workshop for the 2022-23 cohort will take place on November 23-26, 2022 in Prishtina, Kosovo. All fellows are expected to attend.
What documents do I need to submit to be considered for Kosovo Research and Analysis Fellowship (KRAF)?
All individual applicants must submit a complete application including: a) a motivation letter; b) a two-page policy paper proposal; c) a two-page publicity and dissemination plan; and d) a CV and publications list.
Incomplete applications will not be considered.
What does the fellowship include?
The fellowship is designed as a six-month program that includes in person and online meetings, independent research and supervision. All fellows will be expected to attend the kick-off workshop, conduct independent research in the field, liaise with their supervisor throughout the project and attend other events organized by the fellowship.
What does KFOS provide as part of the fellowship?
All fellows will receive a 3,000 euro stipendium. The organizers will cover all transport, accommodation and living costs for the kick-off workshop and the field visit. Organizers will also cover costs related to the publication of the policy papers.
What outputs am I expected to deliver as part of the fellowship?
All fellows are expected to produce an original policy paper that will be published as a stand-alone document by the Kosovo Foundation for Open Society. Fellows are also expected to produce three opinion articles published in regional or European media; at least one of which should be co-authored with their supervisor. Fellows are expected to disseminate their research findings in online and in-person events; and produce infographics or other visualizations of their research.